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Thursday, September 5, 2024 3:17 PM

CowBoy State Daily article

I was mentioned in an article focused on someone else. The Author (Leo Wolfson) quoted (former) Representative (& current AFP Wyoming Head) Tyler Lindholm about my service to Wyoming's Legislature.

"Someone... who [Tyler] Lindholm believes has made a difference is Bondurant resident Bill Winney. Winney regularly testifies at the Legislature on a wide variety of topics year after year.

“It’s really hard to make a difference when you only engage in politics around election time,” Lindholm said. “Bill Winney is impactful. It’s not about elections for Bill Winney. His impact is measurable and if you talk to lawmakers they’ll say he made a difference.”


Monday, August 19, 2024 2:40 PM

An Attack Type Text Message is Out

A few minutes ago I became aware of an attack type text message on one of my opponents. As best I can determine this was done with out of county and out of state money. There should be no place for these attack things and we've seen alot of them in the SD-14 race. Mailers with "stuff" in them and texts with similar "stuff."

Sunday, August 18, 2024 9:20 PM

Visited Opal today (8/18)

I traveled to Opal today. With this I have visited every Wyoming town on the state map and within Senate District 14. A nice reception, spoke with probably half of the people there and put up half a dozen signs. All in all, a good day. One young man had a company work truck with "23" on its plates!

Friday, August 16, 2024 8:49 PM

Campaign Finance Issues

Consider the campaign finance info out there, we might reflect on the monies not reflected in candidates submissions because the money is provided by out of state PACs. Consider the text messages and mailers received from other than the candidates themselves. Then consider the "scientific polling" done on behalf of one of the candidates. That poll was likely on the order of $20,000 to $40,000. The denials simply deepen the certainty that it was an intended benefit. I believe that there has been something on the order of $100,000 spent by PACs to influence the SD-14 election.

Friday, August 16, 2024 10:07 AM

Endorsements Posted

Two Endorsements are now posted on my A Sublette County Republican page. Greatly appreciated.


Thursday, August 15, 2024 8:54 PM

WyGO 2nd Amendment Ratings

I received an email today (8/15) with the WyGO ratings of candidates. I am the only Senate District 14 Candidate in their ratings and am 100% in support of the 2nd Amendment.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 7:50 PM

Texts by a corporate PAC

A corporate PAC, Western Way Action, has now put out two text messages supporting my opponent (sommers). Keep in mind this outfit is pushing corporate interests and not a position or political viewpoint.

Monday, August 12, 2024 12:51 PM

Western Way Action PAC

You may have received a text nessage from Western Way Action PAC. Be aware that this is a largely out of state funded large corporate type PAC. It is not an issues oriented PAC rather it is a business focused corporate PAC.

Saturday, August 10, 2024 11:22 PM

Rock Springs Debate on Facebook

A video of the Rock Springs Debate is now available on Facebook, Bill Winney for Senate District 14.

Friday, August 9, 2024 3:37 PM

High Priced Polling Being Done

I have just gotten wind of a poll being done. It is aimed at me and is costing someone (sommers?) $15-$20 Thousand dollars. This has to be money from outside Wyoming. After discussion with my supporters, it appears that the combined campaign spending between my opponents is on the order of $100,000... Imagine that! Someone really wants to run our Senate from outside the state.

Thursday, August 8, 2024 9:40 AM

Lincoln County Fair Visit

Visited the Lincoln County Fair Tuesday. Visited the sheep being shown by McCall & Geneva Murdock. There is now a video of the Forum for Senate District 14 posted.

Friday, August 2, 2024 12:49 PM

Forum in Evanston: Choose Liberty Now

July 31st, Choose Liberty Now held a forum in the Strand Theater in Evanston. There is a tab titled Evanston Forum with a video of two of the Senate District 14 candidates.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 5:09 AM

Attended a Sublette County Commissioners forum

The Sublette County Chamber of Commerce held a forum for County Commissioner Candidates. Responses centered on low cost housing, property taxes, and surplus funds.

Monday, July 29, 2024 10:32 AM

Election Commentary by Caitlin Tan, Wyoming Public Radio

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 2:50 PM

Out of State Money and Endorsers...

Here is an article on out of state organizations seeking to influence Wyoming voters. Note that some of them do have an in state presence while being funded chiefly from out of state.

Saturday, July 20, 2024 6:02 PM

Cokeville Republican Forum

Thursday the 18th, the Cokeville Republicans sponsored a candidate forum. Here is my presentation. This link goes to a SoundCloud website.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 5:07 AM

NRC Meeting in Kemmerer

Attended the NRC meeting in Kemmerer Tuesday the 16th. The meeting was just to outline the process for Public Comment. See more info in Tab.

Saturday, July 13, 2024 6:02 PM

President Trump Shot

President Trump was shot today. Injury appears to be not serious. Elon Musk said that the last time we had a President this tough was Teddy Roosevelt. Recall that he was shot and continued speaking for nearly an hour before letting himself be treated. I second the thought. Godspeed President Trump, Melania, and Baron.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024 8:31 PM

An Introduction by JustBlameJoey

Did an interview with JustBlameJoey on his online show. A Who Are You kind of interview. Click the interview highlight.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024 8:29 AM

Greater Green River Inter-Galactic Spaceport

Along the way of my travels yesterday, I visited the Greater Green River Inter-Galactic Spaceport. It is located about 5 miles south of Green River, Wy. Here's a link for info about it. Its field identifier is 48U.

There is one structure on it, the windsock. The one runway is 04-22, about 5600ft by 75 ft.

Monday, July 8, 2024 7:56 PM

Flaming Gorge Area

Visited Wyoming's Flaming Gorge area today. An all day trip from home to be sure. The day began with a Wyoming Traffic Jam... then on to business. Enjoyed talking with folks.

Friday, July 5, 2024 9:55 AM

Watermelon Eating Contest

Add your news summary here. Out door to door and at the Diamondville Car Show. They had a Watermelon Eating Contest. Here are some pix of that. Ready, Set, Go... a Winner...

Sunday, June 23, 2024 9:17 AM

An error in the AARP video

During the video there is a minor error in the AARP transcription of my words. I was speaking of the price of gold when our State Constitution was written. There is a garble in the recording and they translated my words as $28/oz. If you listen carefully you'll hear me actually say $20/oz (the correct number). :-)

Thursday, June 20, 2024 7:23 AM

Lincoln County Republicans

The Lincoln County Republican Central Committee held a meeting last night in Cokeville. Candidates were invited to speak and given 2 1/2 minutes. I spoke to a good reception. Enjoyed the night, shook alot of hands and spoke to each of these voters. :-)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 7:28 PM

Scheduled a Presentation on Nuclear Reactors and Safety

I have scheduled a presentation on Nuclear Reactors, Safety, and the Kemmerer Plant. I will draw on my extensive experience as a Navy Nuclear Engineer to bring out the key things about reactors and safety. It will be in the South Lincoln Training and Events Center just north of Kemmerer and will be on July 2nd at 7:00 PM. I will talk about 40 minutes and then answer questions as long as people are asking.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 5:48 PM

Visited the Kemmerer Nuclear Plant Site

Today, June 18th I again stopped by the Kemmerer Nuclear Plant Site. More dirt work in progress. Now they have a company sign up along the fence. :-)








Today, June 3rd, I visited the Kemmerer Nuclear Plant site. At this point it is just earth moving, but it is a going thing. Let's go Wyoming! Head south out of Diamondville toward Evanston, go past the UP Locomotive storage, and about 5 or 6 miles you'll see it on the east side of the road.

Friday, June 14, 2024 9:41 AM

AARP Video Voters Guide SD-14

Here is a link to the recently published AARP Video Voters guide for Senate District 14.

Thursday, June 13, 2024 7:29 PM

I have added a new Tab on this website. It covers the extensive legal background my active duty required. I have used this background in speaking in Public Comment over the years to ensure the Committees did not do something that didn't make sense. Let's be clear: I make no presentation of being a lawyer, I'm not.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 6:58 PM

Added a letter from Rep Piiparinen to the About Tab

Some years ago, then Representative Garry Piiparinen sent me a personal note on his Representatives Stationery. I have added it to the About Tab.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 7:55 AM

Sun Kissed Gros Ventre's This Morning

Thursday, May 30, 2024 5:49 PM

FEWarren Former Base Commander remarks on China

In a news article the former FE Warren Base Commander stated tht the US Should clearly be worried about Chinese acquiring properties near military installations. I spoke on this several time in Public COmment in front of the legislative committees hearing bills. It is important that the Legislature have a sense of history and of how the intelligence world works. Specifically they collect everything they can and then make sense of it. Occasionally stiulating the system to see what happens. The Battle of Midway was won precisely because we stimulated the Japanese system into revealing the goal of their moves. In another case the German Army got away with the planning, moving of forces, and then attacking for the Battle of the Bulge because they figured out that the Allies were reading their radio traffic. So they went silent on radio traffic. We ignore this at our peril.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 7:00 PM

First Donation from my Letter

Today, May 29th, I received a donation as a result of my letter sent out to Senate District 14. Wow! ...And Thank You.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 2:22 PM

Memorial Day - USNA Class of 72: 13 died on active duty

I had occasion to reflect on my class from the US Naval Academy Class of 72. 1,371 young men took the oath four years earlier. Of those 905 graduated in 1972 becoming Ensigns and 2nd Lieutenants. The key item for Memorial Day is that 13 of those that graduated died on active duty. I knew most of them. The world of Naval Aviation is a dangerous place and most of them passed in that world. Well done good and faithful servant, Godspeed and comfort your families.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 4:33 PM

My Letter to SD-14

Bill Winney

Republican Candidate for Senate District 14

Wyoming’s property tax system must be changed. Our Constitution sets out requirements for property taxation. It was established in an era where gold was $20/oz and inflation small. In 1973 monetary inflation became the “coin of the realm.” What this means to retirees on fixed incomes is that the tax basis of their residence is rising up underneath them.

Wyoming retirees should have a Cost-of-Living Adjustment routinely factored into their retirement stipend. Our Legislature has side-stepped this for too many years. I believe this to be a matter of what I call “organizational honesty.” In other words, a pledge was made that a retirement benefit of a certain value would be provided. Yet at the end of the day the legislature knows that value is continually declining.

I will work for the success of the Kemmerer Nuclear Reactor Plant. Getting it going is of great importance to Wyoming and to southwest Wyoming. It is important to send someone to the Legislature that understands nuclear energy and power production.

My background:         Eagle Scout

30 years active duty in the Navy Nuclear Submarine Force.

• Chief Engineer of a Nuclear Powered Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine

• Commanding Officer of a Nuclear Powered Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine

• Chief of Command and Control, US Strategic Command, Omaha NE

• Cruise Missile (Tomahawk Cruise Missile) Program Coordinator, Staff, Chief of Naval Operations IN DC

• Nuclear Matters Staff for the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Atomic Energy

Education: BS, US Naval Academy; MSE, The Catholic University of America

I have observed our Legislature for several years and spoken in Public Comment to good success. On the reverse is a Resolution Commending me for my work for the people of Wyoming. (See the Legislative Resolution: opening page).

Along the way of my travels some enemies have come my way. They are sometimes vocal and have even taken out ads. This is precisely because I stood firm in the face of falsehood. I ask that when I come to your front door or at various meetings that you form your own opinion.

Louise is my wife of 52 years. We met in 1966 at a summertime Church Camp, marrying on my graduation from the Naval Academy. We have three sons, all UW Grads. One son is a Wy National Guard Captain. Louise and I are blessed with five grandchildren.

These past three years have taught me the true meaning of marriage: It is a promise, each to the other: “I will be there for you.” Child-bearing and raising children is tough duty, particularly for our military families, and some aspects of it come after children depart the home. Louise has undergone several major health issues these past three years. It was important that I be there for her throughout.

My promise to you is, as your Senator, I will be there for you. Your voice matters, Bill Winney

Paid for by Bill Winney

Thursday, May 16, 2024 6:19 PM

On April 30th I had the Honor to salute a Medal of Honor man, Major Drew

Major Drew visited Pinedale on April 30th. He held a luncheon with Veterans, First Responders, and other honorees. I wore my uniform specifically to be able to salute the Major. It is a long standing element of the military profession that, no matter the rank, one always salutes first a winner of the Medal of Honor. I was truly honored to render such a salute... something that had not come my way on active duty. Godspeed Major Drew.

Sunday, May 5, 2024 1:37 PM

Submarine Under Ice Operations

Here's an article on Under Ice Operations. Our Subs are out there.

Monday, April 22, 2024 1:01 PM

Wyoming Republican Convention Resolutions Committee

I attended the Wyoming Republican Convention. I was assigned to the Resolutions committee. We spent two days formulating the State Party Resolutions from the various County Party inputs. There was a hiccup in getting Sublette Resolutions into the system, but that was corrected. There was much debate and, in the main, Sublette Resolutions were either included or melded into other county resolutions. I believe we did well.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 7:57 PM

The Summer of Louise's Knees

See the new entry on Louise's knee surgeries. She's a real trooper and now after the second surgery is walking the same day, even if slowly and carefully. Godspeed!


Wednesday, October 19, 2022 1:11 PM

Endorsement by La Velle Van Voast

La Velle Van Voast is a close friend who served as Wyoming's House Education Committee Secretary for 6 years has endorsed me for the School Board District #1 Election. It is at the top of my Candidate page, give it a look. She has observed every speaker testifying in front of the House Education Committee. She knows who can get things done throught the committees and who is just seeking adulation from the audience. I have long valued her thoughts on how to speak more effectively to the committee.

Friday, October 7, 2022 8:11 PM

Interim Committee and School Library Pornography

A recent Legislative Interim Committee discussed whether school libraries should have what amounts to pornographic books on their shelves. This is pure woke sophistry. See my landing page discussion on this and a link to the Cowboy State Daily news item. Simply the school libraries are there to support the curriculum, this kind of stuff should have no place in the curriculum.

Monday, August 15, 2022 3:10 PM

Wyoming Gun Owners candidate guide

The Wyoming Gun Owners has rated me 100%. My opponents were unrated since they did not respond to their questionaire.

Thank you!

Monday, August 15, 2022 3:08 PM

Family Policy Alliance of Wyoming

The Family Policy Alliance of Wyoming has rated me A+ in their voters guide for the Primary Election tomorrow August 16th.

Thursday, August 11, 2022 5:21 PM


Louise & I voted today! I ask for your vote on Tuesday, 16 August!Bill Winney Votes!

Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:22 AM

Zero % Inflation

Now both the President and VP have stated that recent inflation is now zero. The math is June: 9.1%; July: 8.5%... Somehow they think because the rate has moderated a slight amount, that equates to zero... Maybe they need to do a math refresher course, or maybe they could start doing their own shopping and gasoline buying...

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 6:22 PM

My Background: Radio Spot

People are wondering about my background and how I became part of Sublette County...

Here is the transcript of a radio spot I placed today on that:

Bob Rule: Tell me about yourself Bill Winney

Bill Winney: I came to Sublette and Bondurant in the mid-70s. Helped a friend build a log cabin on The Hoback. My wife and I decided then we loved Sublette.

Bob Rule: Bill Winney, A few years before you settled here?

Bill Winney: I was on active duty in the Navy then, teaching at the Idaho Nuclear sites. I changed my state, got a drivers license, and voted.

Bob Rule: A few years then, correct, Bill Winney?

Bill Winney: Yes, I bought land in the 90s. The County Clerk could track my career from my ballot requests.

Bob Rule: Then the Navy retired you, Bill Winney?

Bill Winney: Driving nuclear Submarines is a young man’s game. I came back to Wyoming, built my home, and began observing our legislature. Along the way, I realized that as a private citizen, I could influence legislation. I then followed specific bills, speaking up, leading to the statewide Computer Science curriculum that I provided the groundwork thinking for.

Bob Rule: Any Volunteer Work, Bill Winney?

Bill Winney: I spent 4 years as a Cub Scout Pack Chartering Organization Rep, I’m on the Wyoming State Veterans Legal Assistance Board, and the Green River Valley Health Foundation. Past President of a Rotary Club.

Bob Rule: Family, Bill Winney?

Bill Winney: Met my wife at a church camp, we married after my Annapolis years and celebrated our 50th Anniversary. Three sons, all UW Graduates, one is a First Lieutenant in the Wyoming Guard. …And Five Grandkids along the way…

Bob Rule: Talking with Bill Winney Republican candidate for Sublette & La Barge’s HD-20.                                               Paid for by Bill Winney


Sunday, August 7, 2022 2:52 PM

NRA Political Victory Fund Rating AQ

The National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund has rated me "AQ." Thank you.

From the PVF web page:

Tuesday, August 2, 2022 7:27 PM

Dave Harper: A Conversation

The other day I visited with Dave Harper... he or Barbara make real good coffee. We talked for a good while. I've always enjoyed talking with him as he makes me think long and hard on our county, state and nation. Along the way we talk of our military, too. This was a good conversation, he worked me over. He is the kind of guy I tip my hat to, he has served Sublette well: Godspeed Good and Faithful Servant... Well done.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022 7:14 PM

Trib Article: House District 20 - Only Bill Winney responded

A Candidate Questionaire from the Trib did not bring in responses from my opponents. My answers are short here and they get to the point quickly. I have been misquoted in another related article on education, where I said that over a ten year period a Billion Dollars went to administrators, the quote said one year...

Sunday, July 24, 2022 7:56 AM

New Items added

I added two new items: A tab for accesing the Sublette County Chamber of Commerce ZOOM link for their Thursday evening forum ZOOM recording. Both the link and the password are listed. Then another tab speaking to the "abounding" rumors about me from my neck of the woods here in Sublette County. I ask people to recall that there are "wars and rumors of wars" in this world and to take heart.


Friday, July 22, 2022 6:22 PM

Chamber Forum

Sublette County's Chamber of Commerce held a Candidate Forum the evening of July 21st in the Marbleton Senior Center. The link to their Zoom presentation is included on the "Chamber Forum" Top line tab button.

There were 16 candidates, 9 for the two County Commissioner seats, 3 for Legislative District 20, 2 for the County Attorney, and 2 for the County Clerk position. Each candidate answered the same questions. In a few cases certain questions did not apply to the position. In these cases the candidates were allowed to talk as they desired.

Thank you to the Sublette Camber of Commerce and those who labored in the background.


Friday, July 15, 2022 5:56 AM

Sublette Prevention Coalition

Attend the meeting Thursday of the Sublette Prevention Coalition at St Andrews Church. Good meeting, good discussion.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 7:17 AM

June 2022 Inflation numbers are out

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has published its June CPI numbers. Over the past 12 months the CPI-W has incresed by 9.8%. CPI-W for July, August, and September are used in the Cost of Living Adjustment calculation for next January. The CPI-W for June is 292.542 which if used for a COLA would mean a rise of $100/mo on a $1000/mo Social Security check. Note that frequently there is a rise in the charge for medical benefits that can zero out the net increase in a check.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022 7:41 PM

Those Who Run to the Danger

Our nation was built by the courage of those who run to the danger. In this video we see some in Texas Law Enforcement who could have, but didn't. As it turns out the gunman was stopped by a Border Patrol Officer who borrowed a weapon from a neighbor, a private citizen. What is going on in this WOKE world?

Uvalde, TX

Sunday, July 10, 2022 6:01 PM

Truckpocalypse: When Government gets in the way

Here is what happens when liberal-progressives get control of the levers of government. They simply do things whether they have the authority or not. They believe that their superior level of morals are for the good of the people.

Saturday, July 9, 2022 3:57 PM

Green River Rendezvous Days Parade

The Green River Rendezvous Parade today (July 9th). Had a good time walking, shaking hands, talking and handing out candy to the kids... Along with some adult kids too...

Thursday, July 7, 2022 7:00 PM

Green River Rendezvous

Went to the Green River Rendezvous days Mountain Man Camp set up. Saw this one encampment with some really nice rifles... One of these is worth $2000........

Wednesday, July 6, 2022 10:40 AM

AARP Zoom Meeting

Participated in an internet Zoom Meeting with the AARP this morning (7/6). The AARP has four key goals: Home Health Care, Broadband access, Property Taxes, And Frauds & Scams against Seniors. I have spoken up in legislative sessions and today spoke up on Scams against seniors and linking property taxes, enabling seniors to remain in their home, and Home Health care for seniors. Good meeting.

Thursday, November 19, 2020 3:59 PM

Toys for Tots is even more important these days.

This program is even more important in this world of Covid-19. Keep them in mind as you donate.




Wednesday, October 28, 2020 11:06 AM

AMPL - Multiple Use of Public Lands

I stand strongly for Multiple Use of Public Lands.

For the coming General Session, I am very concerned that, given the heavy emphasis on budgets, Multiple Use of Public Lands could be forgotten in the rush. This would then expose these lands to a low level run on the access of the public to them. I will keep my eye out for such a run and will ensure people will know of it and in turn I will work hard to prevent any limits on public access and useage of public lands.

I have spoken with Amy Edmonds, the Executive Director of AMPL and fully understand where AMPL stands on this. I strongly support the goals and missions of AMPL.

Bill Winney

Monday, September 14, 2020 11:23 AM

Yellowstone Lake Sunrise

A truly beautiful sunrise over Yellowstone Lake Sunday morning.



Sunday, July 5, 2020 9:35 PM

Sunset on the Hoback

Another great Wyoming sunset on the Hoback...


Had a great parade in Alpine yesterday. I walked the sides handing out cards & candy. There was a World War One Doughboy right behind the Colors leading the parade.





Monday, June 1, 2020 6:15 PM

The 65th Legislature Commended me for my Service to the Wyoming Legislature

President Perkins and Speaker Harshman commended me during the 65th Legislature General Session for my service to the State of Wyoming and to the legislature. The Resolution is also under the Candidate tab and the "On the Issues" pull down tab.

65th Legislature Resolution

Paid for by: Bill Winney
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