Merry Christmas
After dinner last night we settle down for that "Long winter's night." We get up this morning early to put in the Christmas Dinner Turkey in the oven. We celebrate the Pince of Peace, God Bless America, and Merry Christmas to all!
CowBoy State Daily Article
5 September 2024
I was mentioned in an article focused on someone else. The Author (Leo Wolfson) quoted (former) Representative (& current AFP Wyoming Head) Tyler Lindholm about my service to Wyoming's Legislature.
"Someone... who [Tyler] Lindholm believes has made a difference is Bondurant resident Bill Winney. Winney regularly testifies at the Legislature on a wide variety of topics year after year.
“It’s really hard to make a difference when you only engage in politics around election time,” Lindholm said. “Bill Winney is impactful. It’s not about elections for Bill Winney. His impact is measurable and if you talk to lawmakers they’ll say he made a difference.”
An Attack Text Message
A few minutes ago I became aware of an attack type text message on one of my opponents. As best I can determine this was done with out of county and out of state money. There should be no place for these attack things and we've seen alot of them in the SD-14 race. Mailers with "stuff" in them and texts with similar "stuff."
Letters of Support
From Jeff Burris, a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter and Sublette County Republican,
Hi Wyomingites,
My name is Jeff, and I have the unique honor of endorsing Bill Winney for Senate District 14 in this election cycle. Bill Winney is a friend, a fighter, and a true patriot who has served our nation for over thirty years. He knows what it means to sacrifice, and I am proud to endorse him against his opponents.
After seeing his opponents, I stand more united behind my friend than ever. Albert Sommers, who has served as Speaker of the House, has done nothing but pander to voters by portraying himself as a conservative fighter. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I have never seen him act as such, and I believe it’s misleading for him to market himself this way. Albert has often voted for bills that do not represent the people of Wyoming. His lack of conservatism is astounding, and people should not believe a word he says.
As for Laura Pearson, I have spoken with her before. She is a kind person, but she does not fully understand the needs of Wyoming, especially as we enter this key phase in our history. When I hear her say, “Nuclear is years out,” I hear a lack of basic understanding of the fact that hundreds, if not thousands, of jobs will be coming to our country simply due to the groundbreaking of this facility. Everything needs to be built, and that takes time. However, in this case, the process is nearly as valuable as the result, and her short-sightedness is disheartening and potentially damaging to our economy.
Bill Winney has already built important relationships and understands the policies and procedures necessary to implement bills and legislation that will further the freedoms of Wyoming residents. We need Bill Winney’s experience, honesty, and integrity in the Wyoming State Senate.
Jeff Burris
From LaVelle Van Voast, Senate Education Committee Secretary with much experience observing speakers in Education Committee Hearings.
This letter is written in support of Bill Winney as a candidate for the Senate District 14 seat in Sublette County. Bill has gained a great deal of experience while serving in the United States Navy, and he brings that knowledge and those skills from his professional career to his role as a volunteer who attends Wyoming legislative sessions.
I greatly admire Bill for his selfless commitment and dedication to the state of Wyoming as a resident, volunteer, and advocate. I met Bill during legislative sessions and observed his tireless efforts to speak out and testify in various committees on the issues that matter most to him. He is a shining example of a concerned and caring Wyoming resident.
As secretary for the Senate Education Committee for many years, I had the opportunity to observe Bill’s dedication to the great state of Wyoming firsthand. I witnessed the relationships he established with the committee and the high regard in which they held Bill’s honest, pragmatic, and hopeful insight into our state’s problems and needs. His willingness to examine the issues and listen closely during legislative committee meetings sets him apart.
I am proud and enthusiastic to express my support for Bill’s campaign as a candidate for the Wyoming Senate, and I am committed to spreading the word to others about the value of his policies and abilities.
LaVelle Van Voast
Former Wyoming Senate Education Secretary
Wyoming Gun Owners Candidate Ratings
WyGO has sent an email with their ratings of candidates. I am the only Senate District 14 Candidate rated by them and am rated at 100%. Here is a screen shot of the section for State Senators.
Note that both of my SD-14 opponents are missing and therefore unrated, while my rating is 100%. Thank you WyGO.
Sailor Jerri
Dedicated to our military
To say that this video and music brought a tear to my eye is an understatement. Memories surged through my mind. I recall the day I reported to the US Naval Academy. I had no idea what was going to hit me, ton of bricks comes to mind. I have many things from my service, a series of pictures in my mind. By far the standouts were the two crews I commanded. They lifted me up, they served this nation well and faithfully, I simply could not have asked of them all that they did for they far surpassed the call of this nation.
You can listen to her artistry below. I have long said that the standout element of our servicemen and women is that they do not look over their shoulder to see who might be watching. That an award might be in the offing for their performance is simply not in their mind. It is as if the culture of our military inculcates an attitude of "any reward will come in a higher place," they need not worry about earthly rewards. They simply do their duty. If you stop to think about the words in this rendition, that thought is woven throughout the words. Godspeed.
Sailor Jerri
AFP & Other Endorsers
(Americans for Prosperity)
Here is an article in the Cowboy State Daily on out of state organizations endorsing some primary race candidates around Wyoming. In some cases these may have some in state presence, but if you pull the thread you'll find them bringing in out of state money and giving endorsements. So look carefully at these endorsing organizations and those that may be sending text messages. Your Representatives and Senators should be beholden to you, the people of Wyoming, first, last and always.
An interview with "JustBlameJoey"
from Rawlins
A week or so ago I did an interview with the Just Blame Joey show. Kind of an introductory type interview. Here is the link to that show.
What would July 4th be without a Watermelon Eating Contest?
We have a winner!
The Diamondville Car Show.

I've Scheduled a Presentation
Nuclear Power & Safety
This presentation went very well. Many questions were asked and safety was well understood. Thank you to the South Lincoln Training and Events Center. Nice support.
During my Active duty I qualified to serve as a Ship's Chief Engineer. This entailed a program much like the civilian Professional Engineer program. I then served as an Instructor in the Nuclear Propulsion Program for two years. I served as a Chief Engineer on USS Francis Scott Key, a Nuclear Powered Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine for nearly 4 years. Later, in preparation for Command, I went thru a Post Masters level certification at Naval Reactors HQ. Later I Commanded a major Nuclear Repair Facility. In light of the Nuclear Plant construction south of Kemmerer, I have used this background to assemble a presentation on Nuclear Power. Join me for an informative evening. The presentation will last about 40 minutes and I will then answer your questions as long as people want to talk. There will be light refreshments.
Over the Years
As I reflected yesterday morning during Memorial Day Honor Guard at the Pinedale Cemetery, after 30 years of active duty, I have continued to serve in many ways. One of them was by attending our Legislature and speaking up on key legislation. I have followed Veterans issues along with our National Guard and other active duty related legislation. My goal was to ensure that Legislators didn't put into law something that really didn't fit what our veterans and Guardsmen were facing. I have worked hard at following and dovetailing with the Legislative Process. I have shown a strong ability to speak concisely and directly to the point to the appreciation of our legislators. A few years ago the below Resolution Commended me for my efforts.
Looking into Wyoming's future our retirees on fixed incomes are in trouble, our property taxes system contributes directly to their travails. Wyoming has a clear opportunity to expand our electrical power base with the Kemmerer Nuclear Plant that recently began turning dirt for the buildings. I have long kept a close eye on nuclear power related legislation. I believe it important to put someone in the legislature that has experience in the field of nuclear power generation.
Today, May 28th, I filed to run for Senate District 14. I will take on the fixed income and property tax problems, I will ensure we move ahead on the Kemmerer Nuclear Plant, and I will continue to support our military and Guardsmen.
Here is an article from the Federalist Society that gives some insight into our legislature and how it spends. I have observed the legislature for years. Somehow they always dodge the bullet of doing something significant to rein in spending. Give this a read: https://thefederalist.com/2024/02/22/wyoming-is-the-epicenter-of-americas-fake-red-state-problem/
Our Budget Session
February & March 2024
I attended our recent Budget Session. It convened February 12th and adjourned March 8th. I followed a number of bills through their process, speaking up. Of particular note were the number of bills about various aspects of property tax reduction. Here is a listing of the bills I monitored and spoke up on.
2024 Budget Session Bills I Followed Closely
HB 03- Property Tax Exemption, HB04- Property Tax Refund, HB18-Property Tax Inflation Cap
Our Constitution set up property taxation requirements in an era where inflation was not federal policy, where gold was 20$/oz, then 46 years later became 35$/oz, and then even later in 1973 inflation became the coin of the realm. Observed to the House Revenue Committee that the cost of seniors in eldercare was greater for the state than if allowed to remain in their home. Mentioned that Agricultural Lands that remain in Ag production across a sale should be given a tax break. Finally noted that military “residents” should be eligible on returning to the state.
In Senate: HB 3-Don’t confuse “Home of Record” with Domicile for military members; raised the case of military member on long term active duty being eligible even though their recent short time actual Wyoming physical presence is less than 3 years.
HB 04 Spoke to a system quirk where one pays the tax first and then the refund comes later.
As part of my testimony, I noted that my first house mortgage (circa 1979) was 12% and a recent Federal COLA was ~8%, so people are finding a home purchase more difficult.
Asked the committee to consider a 30 year horizon and family needs.
Followed: HB 45 Property Tax Exemption, Residential Structures and Land, HB 127 Property Tax exemption Specified Real Property, HB133 Property Tax Holiday, HB134 Property Tax Deferral Amendments
HB 66 Firefighter Cancer Screening
Described an electrical fire on board the USS Ben Franklin while I was Commanding Officer. The during the fire bronze bus bars evaporated and then how such things then deposit on clothing and possibly breathed in. This was once in a career, while Fire Fighters are exposed weekly or more frequently. This shows the importance of this screening for fire fighters. Noted this was of vast importance to these first responders.
Mentioned Dr Burnette’s vision of fire hazards, specifically chemical/industrial, vs buildings, vs rangeland type fires. I then added mention of AFFF for airport Fire Fighters in terms of the developing Military legal issues with AFFF. I remarked that the epidemiology tells the story of a clear risk for Firefighters. Dr. Burnette is my primary care physician.
SF 95 Teacher Tenure. I stated “I believe you should reject this bill out of hand.” In my observation Wyoming has a tendency to treat teachers as if they are 1890s school marms. What do you want teachers focused on? Then related one teacher’s experience (This experience was frankly disgusting and spoke poorly of Wyoming). I have observed committees struggling over performance yet at the end of the day money appears to rule the thinking of committees.
SF 77 Homeland Defense Infrastructure Reporting and Investigating, SF 102 Foreign Property Ownership – Critical Infrastructure & SJ 02 Foreign Adversaries Prohibited Property Ownership
Spoke to the history regarding how intelligence collects info, mentioned how intelligence stimulates the system to see what happens (recall the history of WW II Midway battle & “The evaporators on AF”), spoke to how battle of the Bulge was a surprise because there was no radio traffic that could tip off preparations.
HB 148 Regulation of Surgical Abortions Noted that the Navy has a requirement that pregnant women cannot go to sea, even a “short” berth shift in port. This is a very clear requirement because, though rare, some complications can result in a woman’s death in minutes to an hour. Therefore, requiring such facilities in Wyoming to be ready is appropriate. In the Senate an assertion that a religious issue is involved arose. I noted that the Navy requirements mentioned above are unrelated to religion and are specifically a result of medical judgment. Governor Gordon Vetoed this bill.
HB 203 Property Tax Reduction and Replacement – In speaking I opened with “You are obligated to do this;” Wyoming does not provide a COLA to retirees. Since there is no COLA; the Legislature must take care of those who are on fixed incomes. The “Tentacles of Inflation” are causing real hardship.
SF 121 Property Tax Homeowners Exemption - Spoke up and stated that military members should be given this if they had been a domiciliary of Wyoming for the required number of years.
SF 63 Property Tax Exemption Residential Structures -2, SF126 Property Tax Exemption Inflation Cap -2, & SF119 Property Tax Exemption Specified Real Property -2, Spoke up and said “keep your eye on the ball” the issue is home & hearth. I noted the plethora of bills in front of the Legislature and again mentioned that our 1889 constitution was crafted when gold was 20$/oz, later 35$/oz, then inflation later became the coin of the realm (inflation is an octopus). People on fixed incomes are squeeking as taxes rise up underneath them and spoke of an obligation for the Legislature to do something. Then heard the House floor discussion explaining why the legislature cannot take this on. All of these Bills died when the Majority Floor Leader did not present them to the Senate.
HB 54 Wyoming Reads Day Remarked that Rotary clubs give a dictionary to 3rd graders across the state. Noted the importance of reading particularly as it applies to those that may join the military.
HB166 Education Savings Accounts-1 I followed this bill. It appeared to have great support. Governor Gordon then line item vetoed the bulk of this bill leaving only one category that would be assisted.
SF 45 Vulnerable Adults I observed several close family members taken advantage of financially. In the case of my father’s emphysema, a 10 year progressive dementia is part of the disease. Financial institutions could detect patterns of financial abuse but any investigation resulting should be done by Wyoming’s DFS.
SF 9 Parental Rights in Education Education was the goal of parents desiring a better than home education by establishing schools. Parents did not give up any rights in setting up schools. There is a difference between rights and authorities, parents gave schools certain authorities but not rights. When school administrators overstep those authorities, they should be called up short.
SF 18 Indian Child Welfare Act I noted that Native Americans have long been courageous and strong military members.
SF 54 Homeowner Tax Exemption When in the House Revenue Committee: Spoke of the plethora of bills on homeowners exemptions, tentacles of inflation; our Constitution did not contemplate inflation as a government policy nor the run-up of prices with people running away from other states, fixed income people are in trouble, cost of elders in senior care vs in their own home, noted that the $200,000 limit will be eaten up by inflation and that the committee should consider a percentage instead of a fixed number. Note: they liked this one putting in 25% in place of the $200,000; Made sure they understood the difference in the Federal Cola Calculations (CPI-U vs CPI-W) as basis. Governor Gordon Vetoed this bill.
HB 77 Menacing in Senate Judiciary: In military law, Aggressive Approaching, is assault without consummation. As such it is a full up assault. Wyoming law was not clear on this and this legislation would set that into law. Failed in Senate 3rd Reading.
Observed Joint Conference Committee(s) on Budget 4 Mar Disappointing Since the papers they speak from are not made available to the public such meetings are worthless to the public.
HB 134 in Senate Judiciary Property Tax Deferral Amendments." Noted that the Dept of Revenue can promulgate a rules change more easily than by legislation, these could accrue interest during deferral and tolling should not be added since the counties are made whole by the state. Failed in Senate Committee of the Whole.
HB 125 Repeal Gun Free Zones Noted that these zones are really a product of “feel good” legislation, mentioned the 4J school which is far distant from any deputy. Mentioned my observation of Nuclear Weapons Free zones. Governor Gordon vetoed this bill.
SF 105-Financial Privacy In the House Judiciary Committee Spoke up on how tracking can be done (eg Smith’s cards), mentioned the Software Engineering course in my MSE Program and “Data Mining”, Bureaucrats do things because they can, so if the info is there they’ll go after it.
SF 99 Chloe’s Law Spoke up: We should leave kids alone, they'll figure things out. Observed that as Commanding Officer of USS Holland the average age was 19, at that age they’re still figuring things out. If we let’em be, they’ll figure it out. Mentioned the dry alcoholic pull in issue (eg projection) that I observed.
Senate & House Education Joint Interim Committees: I asked “where is your heart?” In the classroom or the budget office. Reading Instructional Facilitators - State should fund in toto so that they are not subject to financial shenanigans
Oddly there were two times the Senate President was over-ruled by the Body
1st Was the removal of Senator Kinsky from Budget committee Chair, then the Body voted to reinstate him.
2nd Was the “Recall of HB 125 Repeal of Gun Free zones and Pre-emption Amendments” from committee after the committee had killed this bill (16-15). This bill was then vetoed by Governor Gordon.
There has been some media that has called this session argumentative and held back. I did not observe this kind of strained discourse. To characterize debate, even if voicing strongly held principles, in such a manner is a disservice to the process.
(4/22/24) This has been a tough three years for my wife, Louise. Two knee operations, then two back operations, and then a slip & fall with shattered wrist bone. Below I speak to some of these.
This has been the summer (and fall) of Louise's Knees. She has had two knee replacements late last spring and now this fall. This has required much "TLC" along the way as these surgeries and her need for care dominated my time. As it turns out this was the summer of our 50th Anniversary. Didn't plan it that way for sure, but, you know, you roll with the punches... Our promise to each other was to care for each other... So the phrase "Just Do It" comes to mind. Godspeed her, the love of my life.
So... in 2023 it has been the year of Back Surgeries - two of them. For better or for worse comes to mind. Our pledges to each other extend for a life time.
Here she is on the 31st... About to do the second one!
The 65th Session of our Legislature
(February 2019)
President Perkins and Speaker Harshman Honored
My Citizen's Participation in the Legislature
Letter of Support
La Velle Van Voast
Cheyenne, Wy
Note: La Velle Van Voast was the Legislature's House Education Committee Secretary. She has observed every speaker giving testimony at committee hearings. I asked her to support me in this election and she responded that the letter she wrote for me two years ago was still on the mark and I should make minor changes to it to fit the School Board Member current election.
I support Bill Winney as candidate for the [Sublette County School District #1 Board]. Bill acquired a great deal of experience while serving in the United States Navy and he uses the knowledge and skills from his professional career as he serves as a volunteer who attends the Wyoming legislative sessions.
I most admire Bill for his selfless commitment and dedication to the state of Wyoming as a resident, volunteer, and speaking up in Public Comment in front of committees. I met Bill during the legislative sessions and observed his tireless efforts to speak out in various committees about the issues that matter most to him. He is an excellent example of a concerned and caring Wyoming resident.
Over these past two years, the public and I have had the opportunity to observe Bill’s dedication to the great state of Wyoming. His honest, pragmatic, and hopeful insight into our state’s problems and needs, and his willingness to examine the issues and listen closely during legislative committee meetings, sets him far apart from other candidates' expected techniques and talk. I am writing today, with proud enthusiasm, to express my support for his campaign as a candidate for [Sublette County School District #1 School Board] and my intention to spread word to others of the value of his policies and abilities.
La Velle Van Voast
Resident, Cheyenne, WY
Note: La Velle Van Voast is a woman I crossed paths frequently with as I attended our legislature's sessions and committee hearings. She is a long time observer and keen critic of those who speak in Committee Hearings. Her words of support are gratefully appreciated.
Teaching Children How to Think
Not What to Think
Today, October 10th, I happened to see the American Heroes Channel presentation on the 291st Combat Engineers, US Army, heroic and gutsy day by day short stopping of the Nazi KampfGruppe Peiper (German SS Armored Spearhead) on their drive toward Antwerp in Belgium as the Leader of the Battle of Bulge drive to divide the Allies. This small Battalion was out gunned and out manned but by sheer gutsiness and inventive thinking, repeatedly, bridge by bridge, stopped it from getting to its taget.
This has been the hallmark of US Military Forces across all time. As we go forward the seeping of wokeness into our education system will subtly but surely produce a far less capable military.
I believe that teaching in our system must strive to instill the basics, frequently referred to as "The Three Rs." Of course there is much more, history, science, and our foundational Constitution. Many years ago a wise old salt in the submarine force said to me: "If your people are doing the basics well, you're above average." I found that there was far more wisdom in those words and they covered a far broader spectrum than seemed at first blush.
I believe our education system must focus on the basics. It must teach them well. Thus the weeping of "wokeness" into our system must be cutoff. I have seen wokeness in the thinking of some legislators, yet the real place to shortstop it is in our school boards, they can be the bulwark when needed. Let's be clear: Wyoming seems far from such thinking, and Sublette County even farther, but we cannot rest easy. I bring to the table experience with real teaching in my Navy career, budget experience, and how to ensure a bureaucray does not run over you with their seeming sophisticated and "educated" allure. Parents rule.
Current Topic:
Pornography in School Libraries
In a recent Legislative Interim Committee hearing the topic of what amounts to pornographic books in a school library arose. There was discussion on this (See this article from CowBoyState Daily) within the committee. The issue being if School Boards won't take on this issue, the legislature should. As I have observed in the last session there are legislators who seek to open such school doors to this kind of woke topic by using what I have come to realize is just plain sophistry.
In the last legislative session there was discussion of Critical Race Theory and whether it should be taught. I spoke up in Public Testimony saying strongly that CRT is not scholarly work and thus had no place in our schools. A senator countered that just because something makes us uncomfortable doesn't mean it shouldn't be taught. Sophistry, pure sophistry. The issue is our curriculum and classroom teaching must be based on accepted scholarly work. Work that has passed a test of scholarship, time, and clear utility in teaching how to think not what to think.
Back to the issue of pornography in our school libraries. These school libraries are there to support the curriculum of our schools. The books they contain must be supportive of the curriculum. They are not the far more general Public Libraries. When boards face sophistry, they can on occasion be overwhelmed by the seeming logical arguments of Wokeness. I'd like to be clear: Schools are there to teach what parents want taught. Things like sexuality and such belong at home with the parents. The School Borad must resist the arguments.
I have filed for an open Sublette County School District #1 Board Seat
Wyoming is in reasonable shape in its education world, but we must keep our eyes on things. The education world outside of Wyoming has changed drastically and much of that change will bleed into Wyoming if we aren't watchful. I have spoken up in the legislature on education over the years, most recently to assert that shuch things as CRT or the 1619 Project are not scholarly works and have no place in Wyoming edcuation. A few legislators then remarked that things that "make us uncomfortable" still have a place in education. The issue is not one of comfort with the topic, it is whether what is being presented to our students is scholarly work. Does the topic enhance the studetns ability to think and draw conclusions from history? Or does it simply cast our past as an evil? Here is a State Report Card by Heritage.org. You'll see that Wyoming needs work. Our School Boards are a rock upon which our system is anchored. I'll work to ensure that and to improve District Schools.
Across my career I served as a teacher for a bit over two years, then Commanding a Submarine is a continual training and education process. In effect I spent a career teaching my crews. Also, I am an FAA Certificated Flight Instructor with over 800 hours of cockpit insruction given and many hours of associated ground instruction. Then during my Navy career, I served in program budgetting. Serving to coordinate between Congress, the Dept of Defense staff, the Navy Staff, and technical program offices for key programs. I have a good skill in looking into budgets and funding streams.
I bring these skills to the table to serve Sublette County.
Many thanks to the people of Sublette County and LaBarge. This campaign was interesting being in a whole new district. I remain grateful for the many blessings of this nation that I spent 30 years defending.
Godspeed to all of you.
Bill Winney
Bill Winney
Wyoming House District 20
I ask for your vote August 16th
Strong ProlifeStrong Pro Second Amendment (NRA-PVF Rating AQ)
Control of State spending
Low taxes
Honesty and transparency in government
These are the basics your Representative must think, say, and do.
An ability to speak and convince his peers is the next requirement.
An understanding that taxes can destroy is equally important. That is the core issue for seniors on fixed incomes.
Preparing our youth to take over the reins is a core responsibility of government. How we treat teachers is reflective of what kind of future our county and state will have.
Sublette County is a western niche in Wyoming. We must keep that vision. Growth will come like it or not… How do we go forward and yet maintain our beauty and western, mountain man, county?
Transportation & communications are key. Equally important is our wildlife and access to public lands. Ranching, hunting, fishing, and winter & summer sports drive our economy. People inbound from less friendly states cause growth we may not like.
Where do you want Sublette and La Barge in a Decade? Statutory underpinnings for counties must support your desires and I will get that into the legislature. This separates me from my opponents.
My commitment to you is that I will ensure your voice is heard in Cheyenne, that honesty and transparency will prevail and that public lands remain open for our use and enjoyment.
Bill Winney
Wyoming House District 20
With the Re-Districting Bondurant and Daniel were moved back into Sublette. …And La Barge was brought into the district.
It’s good to be home!
My vision for District 20 is straightforward:
• Keep taxes low – Sublette is among Wyoming’s lowest tax counties
• Put in place those structural things that attract businesses and strengthen our present businesses and ranching
• Take care of our elders and fixed income residents.
• Strengthen Education
Wyoming can keep taxes low by reducing spending. Our legislature has sought to do this but needs more work.
Attracting business gets to three things: Internet, transportation, and the hospital. We must recognize the link between ranching and businesses. Ranchers are hunting or fishing guides, winter sportsmen, or summer wilderness guiding, they’re the ones attracting and supporting these.
Caring for our elders and fixed income people means structuring taxes in such a way that they are not “taxed out of home and hearth.”
Strengthening Education means teachers are professionals. As I see it they are more than “just teachers.” There are many skills beyond the book learning from college, that go with lighting a fire under their students. For example:
• Classroom control,
• Recognizing which students are ahead and which need more work and then tailoring the classroom pace to keep all with “fire in their belly”
• Planning the future classroom pace tailored to each student.
• Translating and tailoring state standards to each classroom and student
• Front line for recognizing students that are in trouble or distress
I served our country for 30 years at sea and in foreign nations. As a private citizen I have been dedicated to serving the people of Wyoming. I now seek to serve as your Representative for House District 20.
I ask for your vote August 16th
Bill Winney for Wyoming House District 20
I was made aware just today (10/21) of a newspaper ad designed to trash me. The false information in it is legion. What this really shows you is that I am that Bulldog a friend has called me. I have taken on corruption. The Marines say that it's not size of the dog in the fight that matters, it's the size of the fight in the dog! I will stand tall for HD-22 in Cheyenne in these truly draconian budget times just as I have done here.
Note: This board stonewalled a request to inspect their records for nearly 18 months. This was in violation of statute. They only allowed an inspection of records on the order of a judge.
Once I recognized a pattern of vandalism, I began filing police reports. Once these vandals realized I was doing that the vandalism stopped.
bill conley speaks in his ad of a "common sense" resolution. What hogwash, early in the legal wranglings the district’s lawyer approached mine about a settlement. So I, and my lawyer, prepared a proposed settlement and sent it on. We were met with… Silence. So when they complain about the costs, in the vein of common sense, they had an opportunity to minimize the money. Common sense says they would have taken advantage by at least negotiating. Instead they chose to engage in “LawFare” seeking to drive up my costs (and theirs).
Dwayne Gulley, Alpine
Thanks for stopping by our house yesterday. It was a pleasure to [meet] you!
Jane Briggs-Penfield, Star Valley
He stopped in at the house the other night! Very nice guy!
A glorious Bondurant sunset.
Susan Riggs, Daniel, Wy
"Folks. This guy is the real deal. We need him. Thanks for running Bill and you have my vote!!!"
Bob Bragg
5th Generation Wyoming Family
Hoback Junction, 24 September 2020
La Velle Van Voast
Cheyenne, Wy
I support Bill Winney as candidate for the House District 22 House seat in Sublette County. Bill acquired a great deal of experience while serving in the United States Navy and he uses the knowledge and skills from his professional career as he serves as a volunteer who attends the Wyoming legislative sessions.
I most admire Bill for his selfless commitment and dedication to the state of Wyoming as a resident, volunteer, and speaking up in Public Comment in front of committees. I met Bill during the legislative sessions and observed his tireless efforts to speak out in various committees about the issues that matter most to him. He is an excellent example of a concerned and caring Wyoming resident.
Over these past two years, the public and I have had the opportunity to observe Bill’s dedication to the great state of Wyoming. His honest, pragmatic, and hopeful insight into our state’s problems and needs, and his willingness to examine the issues and listen closely during legislative committee meetings, sets him far apart from other candidates' expected techniques and talk. I am writing today, with proud enthusiasm, to express my support for his campaign as a candidate for the Wyoming House of Representatives and my intention to spread word to others of the value of his policies and abilities.
La Velle Van Voast
Resident, Cheyenne, WY
Note: La Velle Van Voast is a woman I crossed paths frequently with as I attended our legislature's sessions and committee hearings. She is a long time observer and keen critic of those who speak in Committee Hearings. Her words of support are gratefully appreciated.
Bill Winney
News & Guide Candidate Article
12 August 2020
The below article, published Wednesday, 12 August 2020, is so short as to at best skim over much of what I’ve done over the years. That happens in the world of print journalism where space can be limited. I'd like to expand on the article.
In attending our legislatives sessions and selected Interim Committee Hearings I have spoken up for the people of Wyoming. Initially I selected bills of interest to me. Then I began to speak up in Public Comment. I’ve found our legislature is so structured that a private citizen who speaks clearly and keeps it short can in fact influence what our legislators do. See Rep Landon Brown's Letter of Support under the On the Issues Tab.
Once I realized that I could directly contribute to their deliberations, I started following bills closely. For example I have followed, and spoken on, our Wyoming National Guard Challenge Program. This program is for HS dropouts and has a really good success rate in getting them to a diploma. It has been on the cutting table over the years. I believe it has fared well as those cuts came through. Our youth are the future, ensuring they are educated so they can compete is vital.
In the realm of education I have observed struggles on how to include computer science into the curriculum. I had observed the Committees over several years. I finally proposed a method of spreading it over the entire curriculum that made the “Shoe-horning” of another course un-necessary. The Committees liked the idea and the Wy Dept of Ed fleshed it out (a lot of work by them by the way to develop this). This came out of several years of attending Committee hearings and Interim Committee Hearing where I listened to the struggles. I realized that they needed a way to look at the problem another way.
I have now begun paying a lot of attention to the Multiple Use deliberations. From my perspective preserving Multiple Use is preserving the Soul of Wyoming. I will stand for Multiple Use.
I have observed the budget process for some 6 years. I have been distressed as $900M plus was repeatedly taken out of savings. I have observed what I believe to be a laying of groundwork for an income tax. I believe that would fundamentally alter Wyoming and will oppose it.
I stand for the people of Wyoming.
Your Voice Matters.
This article only skims the surface, here's the link to the entire article. Please email me (bill.winney@hotmail.com) or call me (307-413-1506) and let me know your ideas and vision of Wyoming’s future. I will carry that to Cheyenne and turn it into reality.
By Billy Arnold, JHN&G, 12 August 2020
"Bill Winney, Republican, House District 22"
"Perennial candidate Bill Winney, a Navy veteran and Republican from Bondurant, is back on the horse this year, running unopposed in the primary to address three priorities: education, the state budget and preserving multiple use of public lands.
"The state is projecting a $1.5 billion revenue shortfall over the next two years, and Winney said bringing things back into balance would require a mix of cutting spending and increasing revenue. The candidate, who managed budgets for the Submarine Launched Tomahawk Cruise Missile Program and the Sea Lance ASW Standoff Weapon, said he would like to start on the spending side, but carefully.
" “We’ve got to be careful about ‘reducing expenditures,’” he said, “because that’s probably going to mean real people, either being furloughed or losing jobs.
" “You can’t cut your way out of it,” he said.
"On the revenue side of the equation, he said he doesn’t support an income tax but could get behind an expanded sales tax because it doesn’t bring bureaucratic overhead and “it’s not that difficult to change later on.”
"Winney also said that in the state’s dire financial situation it’s vital to “protect the classroom” (teachers and other supporting staff) but he thought cuts, if needed, could come from administrative overhead."
Breakfast in Wilson
Talked alot, some Cowboy Poetry... and a little politics... Along the way saw this guy. He was taking a small drink from the puddle and then ambled on down the road.
That's Wyoming!
Bondurant Sunset
Tonight's Bondurant Sunset - Friday 7/24
This looks through trees burned in the Roosevelt Fire and is looking west-northwest. The Wyoming Range brings fire to the sky on many nights.
Re-opening Schools
"Citing Educational Risks, Scientific Panel Urges That Schools Reopen"
"Younger children in particular are ill-served by remote learning, according to a report issued by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine."
There is much discussion on whether and how to re-open schools. This article from the science pages of the New York Times discusses the downsides of keeping schools closed along with the protective measures that should be put in place in order to re-open schools. The Wyoming Department of Education has provided guidance on how to re-open our schools for the use of local school boards (see below). We need to get on with this, it is clear from the scientists cited in this article that the downside of remaining closed is far greater than many perceive.
July 4th, 2020
A Time to Celebrate, A time to Reflect
A time to celebrate our freedom, we are a nation that people aspire to be part of. They vote with their feet. But, as the saying goes, Freedom isn’t Free. It takes work, scanning the “horizon” for threats and those who’d silently subvert us.
I chatted with one of the Chaplains that our legislature has visit during sessions. He was from a church south of Rawlins. As we spoke he talked of the difference between Free Choice and the freedom to choose. It took me a few minutes to click in to the difference. Our creator endowed us with many things and Free Choice is central to our humanity.
It leads us to seek things greater than ourselves, but it also leads to more base motivations.
The outpouring of self-righteous loathing we see in our nation today is deeply troubling. The willingness of media to label obvious vandalism as a protest protected by our Constitution is deeply troubling. This can only be a political design.
I have long marveled at the indomitable spirit of our nation. As a CO on two Navy ships my most difficult job was to figure out how to stay out of the way of my crews. They always amazed me at their ability to perform “above and beyond.”
An Indomitable Spirit
Ron & Alice are rebuilding their home that burned in the Roosevelt Fire of 2018. They are using lumber recovered from the burned timber on their land. It will take time but they’re on their way.
They set about rebuilding and along the way bought a portable lumber mill. They are using fire damaged logs from their property. It will reflect the history of the fire... and save some real money! You will also see Alice "Supervising" from the porch of their Temporary cabin.
So where is our nation headed? This bout of self-hatred will run its course. It is incumbent on the judges of our “Second Estate” to hold responsible those people that did the vandalism. Our leadership must support those who run to the danger: law enforcement, fire fighters, EMS, military. It is a very, very human motivation for some to run toward danger. We must steel ourselves to acknowledge that as a core element of human behavior and honor those who make such sacrifice.
May Godspeed our nation as we rebuild.
Superintendent Balow Briefs School Re-opening in the Fall
From The Wyoming Tribune-Eagle
CHEYENNE – Lunch in classrooms, widespread hand sanitizer stations and face coverings are just a few of the features Wyoming students can expect to see if the state’s schools return to in-person instruction this fall.
The Wyoming Department of Education’s initial framework to reopen K-12 schools, which was released Wednesday afternoon, requires districts to prepare for three possibilities: fully open facilities, fully closed facilities and a hybrid model somewhere in between.
If buildings are open to students, procedures for social distancing and face coverings will be followed “to the greatest extent possible,” the plan states.
During a news conference Wednesday afternoon, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow said much of the decision-making outlined in the plan, developed by health and education experts across the state, will be left to local communities.
“Health officials, school boards, educators, parents and students will make informed decisions in the coming weeks,” Balow said. “Communities know best how to address your own unique challenges.”
Statewide, school districts have been asked to submit a plan to the education department by Aug. 3 that accounts for all three potential scenarios, with a focus on four areas: communication, safety and wellness, school operations, and instruction and technology.
The guidance released Wednesday largely includes recommendations for district administrators to consider in their plans, though it does entail a few across-the-board requirements for each scenario.
For example, if they reopen, schools must have a plan for students to safely enter and exit the building, “whether limiting the number of entrances open or requiring specific groups to use specific entrances.” Parents would also be expected to screen their children daily for COVID-19 before allowing them to attend school.
The recommendations, while not yet official procedure, provide further insight into what school could look like this fall. Under the nutrition guidance, one recommendation is to “serve students in their classrooms/pods/designated areas, rather than in cafeterias or common areas” and “provide water sources other than water fountains.”
The plan also included a framework for if a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19. The person testing positive would enter into self-isolation, and “other students and staff members who came into close contact with the positive case will be quarantined for 14 days, or as otherwise directed,” the plan states.
“Schools or buildings could also be closed by state or local public health directive or order for a 2- to 5-day period (or longer, if conditions warrant) to sanitize the facility and to conduct an investigation,” the plan reads.
Students who are more at risk of contracting the virus, or who live with someone who is, will be eligible to receive remote education, according to the framework.
Following the closure of school buildings across Wyoming this spring to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Balow acknowledged the loss of in-person instruction will be an issue to grapple with “for years to come, especially in the area of early literacy.”
“I would anticipate that in the coming months, we in Wyoming ... will double-down on our focus on brain-reading instructions, so that our youngest learners can get the interventions they need to make up for the lost time,” Balow said.
At the local level, the Laramie County School District 1 Board of Trustees could discuss its specific reopening plan during its next meeting, set to be held virtually at 6 p.m. July 13.
Four Key Legislators Discuss Wyoming's Revenue Future
Sens Driskill & Bebout, Reps Sommers & Nicholas
The revenue future is bleak, no surprise there. These legislators discuss Wyoming's future.
Consider: if every state employee was sent home, the reduction in expenditures would be about $877M. For perspective the past two Budget Sessions the Legislature took over $900 M out of savings. So where do we go from here? One thing they seem to like is the 1¢ increase in Sales Tax. Does that fix things... no, but it helps. ...And it kicks in quickly. A 1% sales tax would bring in about $300M...
Look at this Wyoming PBS show where these four legislators talk through the issues facing us. Note that Education is mentioned as having to absorb reductions, although quietly said.
Stopped by Alpine Saturday Morning (6/13)
Stopped by Alpine Saturday Morning (6/13) to have coffee and chat. Visited with Nancy & Roger Calhoun. Good talk. If you see me around over coffee and have something you want your Representative to do, sit down and talk.
The Red White & Blue Cafe was busy...
Stopped in at Hoback Jn to talk with Bill Rode. He was "cutting the grass." His horse was in need of "Green Therapy." Good talk.
Sublette Ranchers: Lawsuit could run them out of busines
In this case a lawsuit regarding grizzly bears purports that the bears are being harmed and that the ranchers must stop grazing on lands used for nearly a hundred years. This article from Wyoming Public Media outlines the issues. My hope is that the information these ranchers need was collected, analyzed, and archived for just this kind of case.
The State Money Issue
I have observed our legislature for several years now. I have been very concerned at the budgeting process in that they have always retained the current level of spending while taking money out of savings.
Governor Gordon acknowledged that the chickens have come home to roost with his Thursday (6/4) Press Briefing. State revenues have just simply cratered. The cancellation of major rodeos across the state have far reaching revenue impacts by the related spending of tourists, hotels, meals, and incidental spending. What might have been a small cut in state programs will be far worse.
What one must recognize is that in spending, for example, on schools generally, probably 70% of the budget is essentially a fixed cost. Then there is maybe 20-25% in which there is some flexibility. Finally in the last 5% or so, there is room to cut.
The Covid-19 related loss of revenue to Wyoming coupled with the reality of taking some $900M+ out of savings for the past two budget sessions will cause our legislature to have to cut through that ~5%, well into that 20-25% and maybe into that 70%. What is that 70%? Buildings (& repairs), transportation, heat & lights, classroom materials, desks, food service, etc.
Similar things must be addressed across all other state agencies.
I stand for low taxes and specifically no income tax.
So how will our legislature go forward? Step one will be to root out what lies in that ~5% and get it off the books quickly. This will not turn out to be easy despite the perception that it ought to be easy to find and agree on.
Here's a thought... Some years ago Gov Mead gave some pay raises to key executives... maybe we start there. So how many 25% cuts in executive pay does it take to save one state employee?
Local Governments
I stand for honesty in government and open records. I took on a district and it took 18 months to get them to open their records. Statute is clear: they had some 5 business days and they actually only opened them on order of a judge.
I have had to take on a district that I believe to be dishonest.