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Wednesday, July 31st, Make Liberty Win held a candidate forum for Uinta County. It was held at The Strand Theater. Several races were present. For Senate District 14 only myself (Bill Winney) and Laura Pearson were present. There are two videos below. The first is the formal questions and the second is the audience Q&A. As it turned out the first question in the Q&A from the audience was on the Kemmerer Nuclear Plant and safety. I spoke for about 10 minutes on that question.


Q&A One question was on Nuclear Safety and the Kemmerer Plant. The answer is longer than most Q&A type answers. This is a thumbnail sketch of my nuclear safety presentation from Kemmerer a few weeks ago. Then Coal and Federal policy, do you agree with the State Republican Party platform, abortion and end of life care.



Paid for by: Bill Winney
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