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The Lincoln County Republicans held a forum the evening of August 6th. It was "under the Big Top." There are three candidates, myself, Bill Winney, Laura Pearson, and Albert Sommers (who did not show up). I believe candidates are obligated to present themselves in forums so that people can size them up. This kind of event is the essence of our Republic. It affords a degree of transparency not available when only one candidate is present, such as at a "Meet & Greet." People get to see candidates handle the same question, nose to nose. It is important for people to see where a candidate intends to go. It is not enough to present a list of gripes, one must show a vision of where the future will lie with them in office, of how they will likely vote on legislation, and of how they will handle the bureaucracies that can steam-roller private citizens working every day to make a living.

Paid for by: Bill Winney
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